June Announcements
Pray the flock volunteers for the month of June:
June 5-11: Joni T.
June 12-18: Diana W.
June 19-25: Donna H.
June 26-July2: Marcia Z.
Email the church office for the Corner of Concern!
June Birthdays:
Norma K., Eileen D., Mackenzie B., Maria D., Pamela E., Carle W., Lily W., Michael S., Isabella B., Taylor C., Joni T., Ralph C.
Sunday School continues at 9AM. Donna H. and her helpers will continue teaching the children in Fellowship Hall. John M. will teach teens and young adults in the hall/kitchen.
Gentle reminder that the 2022 Altar Flower signup has several Sundays still available. The chart is on the bulletin board in the vestibule. Flowers for 2022 cost $14.00/vase.
Thinking of Joining Glen Moore UMC?
Anyone interested in joining the church should contact the church office and speak to Robin or Pastor Dan. Pastor Dan will bring in new members on selected dates throughout the year. Please feel free to contact Pastor Dan at any time with questions or discussions you may have about membership.
Did Someone say Vacation Bible School!?!
June 21-24, 2022 / 9-11:30 AM / @Fairview Presbyterian Church
Ages 6-10 are welcome at “Discovery on Adventure Island” VBS, co-hosted by Glen Moore UMC & Fairview Evangelical Presbyterian church
New or gently used Children’s Books, Board Games and Puzzles are wanted by the Honey Brook Food pantry for their summer reading program.
Place any donated items in the box in the Community Room.