Church Staff & Support Team
Daniel Hepner was appointed to Glen Moore United Methodist Church as senior pastor in July 2021. This is Dan's second appointment to Glen Moore UMC having served as pastor from 2006-2008. Dan came from serving Hopewell UMC in Downingtown (2008-2023) where he was Pastor of Discipleship. Dan is a graduate of West Chester University having majored in Criminal Justice and Behavioral Science. Dan studied at Evangelical School of Theology for ten years towards his Master of Divinity degree. Prior to his calling to ministry, Dan worked in law enforcement as well as a long career in the life and disability insurance industry. Dan and his wife Donna have lived in Downingtown since 1985. Dan and Donna are the parents of four children and grandparents of nine grandchildren. Dan and Donna are avid golfers and readers. They enjoy traveling with their golf clubs, especially to the Berkshire Mountains.
Dan Hepner,
Robin has been the Administrative Assistant at Glen Moore UMC since September 2020. Prior to joining the staff, she worked as an elementary teacher in the Downingtown Area School District for 36 years, retiring in 2015.
Robin is a long-time member of our neighboring church, Fairview Evangelical Presbyterian, where she is a member of the Board of Deacons and participates in their music ministries. Additionally, she volunteers weekly with the local Salvation Army food bank.
Robin lives in Glen Moore with her husband, John. They have one son.
Robin Miller, Administrative Assistant
George Haimbach, Director of Music
George joined the staff at Glen Moore United Methodist Church as music director in January 2023. George is a graduate of Syracuse University having majored in Saxophone Performance, earning a B. A. Music in Composition and Music Theory.
George began his professional music ministry as tenor soloist at Christ Church (UCC) in Norristown, PA from 1994 to 1999.
George previously served as Director of Music Ministries at Hopewell UMC in Downingtown (1999-2016) and as Music Director at Bethlehem UMC in Thornton, PA (2018-2019)
George and his wife Robin have been playing music in church together since 1988. They also enjoy spending time at “The Lake” in the Poconos with their dogs and playing with their horses.
Tim Lang is a lifelong resident of Wallace Township as well as an Eagle Scout of local Boy Scout Troop 79, sponsored by Glen Moore United Methodist Church. Tim is the owner and founder of Langscapes@Shire Meadow. Currently he is an active member of the Wallace Township Historical Commission as well as an active member of the church’s Praise Band. Tim resides in the village of Glen Moore.
Tim Lang, Lay Leader
Jan Bednarchik,
Jan grew up in the village of Glen Moore and has been a long-time member of Glen Moore United Methodist Church. In addition to serving as treasurer, she sings in the church choir.
Jan spent her 44-year career in municipal government, having served as Secretary/Treasurer for Wallace Township and the Wallace Township Minicipal Authority, and as Secretary for the East Brandywine Township Municipal Authority, until retiring in 2024.
Jan and her husband, Ray, live in Morgantown.
Lexie Zincone, Nursery Attendant
Lexi is a senior at Downingtown STEM Academy where she is co-president of the Key Club. The Key Club focuses on volunteering and helping the community. She enjoys playing with her dog, Marie, and spending time with family and friends. Lexi also enjoys working out in her free time. During the school week she tutors at The Well in Downingtown. Lexi enjoys meeting new people and would always welcome a conversation if you see her around church!
The ministry of the church is supported by the people.
Jan Herd
Administrative Council Chairperson
Paul Dioguardo
Finance Chairperson
Colleen O'Connor
The Methodist Women Chairperson
Eileen Dioguardo
SPRC Chairperson
John Miller
Trustee Chairperson
Scouting Representative
Cemetery Sexton
Educational Chairperson