Pastor Dan’s Jan/Feb 2022 Newsletter

How many of you know and have “complainers” in your life that drive you crazy at times? I know I do. “I can’t believe our government officials did this,” or “someone needs to do something about our school system,” or “our church needs to do this or that.” Gripers and complainers are all around us these days. I like to call them, as many have, “Armchair quarterbacks.” What we really need friends, are people who will not just discuss a situation that needs resolving but to actually do something about it! Men and women of action who act on their spiritual instincts to become great leaders. Nehemiah was one of those people.

Nehemiah is the last of the Old Testament historical books in the Bible. It records the history of the third

return to Jerusalem after captivity, telling how the walls were rebuilt and the people were renewed in their faith. We learn that when Nehemiah saw a problem and was distressed about it, instead of complaining or wallowing in self-pity and grief, he took action. He knew and was driven by the Lord God who motivated him to than help the Jews to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls. Nehemiah left his high position within the Persian government to respond to God’s calling of wanting him to use the gifts, abilities, and talents to get the job done. From the very moment Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem, everyone there knew who was in charge.

The great World War II British Field Marshall Bernard L. “Monty” Montgomery wrote in his book, Memoirs of Field Marshall Montgomery that “leadership is the capacity and will to rally men and women to a common purpose and having the character which inspires confidence.”

As far as leadership traits are concerned, Nehemiah was not that different from other outstanding people whose names are far more familiar to us. The 26th president of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, as an example, was a hard-charging leader. A fascinated and strong admirer of Roosevelt said of him, “Mr. Roosevelt, you are a great man!” But, in characteristic honesty Roosevelt replied, “No, Teddy Roosevelt is simply a plain, ordinary man…highly motivated.”

Martin Luther King was like that as well. Commitment, determination, clarity, and inspiration were the characteristics he brought to his leadership skillset. Motivating people to act on their God given abilities with action and refrain from just talking and complaining. This is what Jesus taught and sought from his disciples. A clarity that led to action and not reaction only. Grouping people into work groups, Nehemiah confronted many things during the 52 days (only 52 days… incredible) it took to finish and complete the reconstruction of the Jerusalem walls. He dodged opposition to the project with insults, ridicule, threats, and sabotage. The tools he used to combat all of this were noteworthy. Prayer, encouragement, and more prayer. With his God given ability to lead, Nehemiah use his skills of organization, encouragement, meeting and dealing with opposition and injustice to keep going until the walls were built.

In 2022, is Our Lord, Jesus, leading you into taking the mantle and using your skills and gifts to lead? Be determined this year to stop talking and complaining and to become a person on whom God can depend on to act for Him in the world.


In Christ,

Pastor Dan             


The Methodist Women Spring Banquet


Pastor Dan’s Advent Newsletter