Craft Sale / Flea Market / Hoagie Sale
It’s never too early to plan ahead - so reserve a spot on your calendar for November 5, 2022. Rain or shine, Glen Moore UMC is proud to host a Craft / Flea Market and Hoagie Sale (sponsored by The Methodist Women). The particulars are listed below. If you have any questions call the church office and ask for Barb C.!
Where: Glen Moore UMC (1920 Creek Road, Glenmoore, PA 19343)
What: Crafts (Inside the Church), Flea Market (Outside), Hoagies (for all the hungry people!)
When: Nov. 4, 2023, 9AM - 1PM
Who: All are welcome to come shop and enjoy a hoagie. Want to sell your crafts and wares? $20/table (crafts) & $15/space (flea market)
Hoagie prices TBD. Keep an eye on and our social media for any updates!